
Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Current Projects

Hello everyone! We had a pretty rainy evening here tonight with some very strong winds. That meant I had a little bit of time to spend indoors working on crafty things. :)

Tonight I finished up the first of 12 embroidery blocks that I'm working on. I've never done a large embroidery project before, so we'll see how this goes. I don't really know too many stitches, and I have just a hodge-podge of thread that I'm using. (Is it called floss for embroidery? For some reason I have it in my head that it's called floss, but that does sound a bit silly considering you floss your teeth, not your fabric...) Anyway, it's a travel pattern, so each block will feature items from a different country. I started with Germany since we've actually traveled there several times and I thought maybe my husband would be more interested in this block than some others. I think he feigned interest just to humor me. :)

I should have used a different thread for the building. I didn't have a great selection of gray, so I used a silvery thread that was really thick - wrong choice! So, I used a regular thread (floss?) for the rest and those areas turned out much nicer. Lesson learned! :)

Once I finished the embroidery I decided to cut out all of the pieces for the Quilty Barn-A-Long blocks that Lori of Bee In My Bonnet has put together that I haven't done yet. I'm now behind on 6 (!!!!) blocks, which is a lot for me. I try to stay on top of things (at least my bee blocks are all on time so far!).

Cutting took up the rest of the evening since I ironed each fabric first and then folded and put them away when I was done. Since these blocks are all pretty scrappy that meant getting out and putting away a lot of difference pieces. And, I just realized while writing this post, that I have one more to cut out. I've only prepped 5 of them, so I guess tomorrow night I'll spend a little more time with my rotary blade and rulers. :)

My mother and I are getting together on Friday evening to work on these together. She's doing the Quilty Barn-A-Long too! I'm going to her house to work on them, so I figured putting them all into little bags would help me not get things all mixed up. We'll see how far we get versus how much we get distracted by other things. :)

Lastly I just wanted to show off the fabric that I bought while I was on vacation. I did manage to actually get inside 3 quilt shops on our first full day in Portland. My husband had a 2 hour interview that morning so I busied myself by going to 3 quilt shops. One was really large, one was really small, and one was just right. :)

Some of this is for me, and some of this is for other people. I don't know what I'm going to do with them yet, but I'm sure I'll think of something. :) Happy quilting everyone!


  1. I really like your embroidered piece :)

  2. Your embroidery is looking great, I haven't tried the metallic floss but it doesn't surprise me to hear it's hard to work with. Have fun with your barns...I'm behind too...nothing new there, lol!

  3. The embroidery looks great. And I recognised Brandenburger Tor, so it can't be as bad as you think :)
    Love that you played goldilocks with the quilt stores. If only there were enough around me to do that.
    Oh, and yes, floss is correct


I love your comments and questions. Feel free to drop me a line!!