
Saturday, January 5, 2013

December Finishes and January 2013 Goals

Welcome to 2013 everyone. How did it get to be January 5th already!? I'll try to keep this post short and sweet so you can all get back to your New Year's Resolutions (I didn't make any because I don't want to break any!). 

On my plate for December I was supposed to:

1) Quilt up the Christmas quilt for my dad - done! He loved it, and even though it's not a queen-size quilt (it finished up at 6 feet x 6 feet) it is proudly displayed on his bed at home. :)

2) Put together a triangle quilt for my brother-in-law and his wife - done! They also loved it and this time it was a queen-size quilt so they could put it on their bed. They had just made a headboard with matching fabric, so I'm really happy it all worked out. 

3) Finish my Over the Rainbow quilt - not done. There just wasn't enough time in the month. :(

4 and 5) Get the rest of the Christmas shopping done and presents assembled/wrapped - done! And get our Christmas cards made, messages written and sent out in the mail - done! Plus, people got them before Christmas eve, so I got those done earlier than last year. :)

So - 4 out of 5 is a solid 80% which was still in the B range when I went to school. I'll say I bump up to an A for December with finishing the triangle quilt all in a week (I'm so generous with my grading!). :)

So, what's on the docket for January? Nothing. No crafting - no sewing - no baking. :( I might be cranky come January 31st. 

This month I need to focus on cleaning and organizing my apartment. We have laundry everywhere (clean) because our drawers are full of things that are outdated or don't fit. We need to put away the Christmas decorations. Clean out the closets. Reorganize the cupboards. And... I need to really revamp my craft storage. So - I'll be a busy little maid this month (and maybe, just maybe I'll have to create some things to get us organized so my crafting mind will be kept content). 

There is one commitment that I will have to get done this month which is my Bee block for January. That should only take part of one day, so I'm going to save it for when the vacuum cleaner breaks down or I'm waiting for laundry to dry, etc. 

I'll have a few humbling pictures up here I'm sure with the before shots, but hopefully the after pictures will make up for it. So, without further ado - commence Mission Organization!

1 comment:

  1. Tidying and organising the house.. Don't remind me. I have to make myself start on that tomorrow


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