
Monday, January 28, 2013

A Trip to the Local Quilt Shop

This past Saturday I got to spend some time with my mom and sister at a really cute quilt shop in Jefferson, Wisconsin. That's a little over 30 minutes from my home in Madison. I do most of my fabric shopping at JoAnn Fabrics, so it was really nice to be in a little boutique!

The shop is called Tea & Textiles and they give you a little goody bag and a packet of tea when you check out. It was lovely.

We went for the sale they were having on fat quarters. $1 each!!! You had to buy 25 to get the sale price, but between the 3 of us there was no way we wouldn't do that. I bought 28 just myself!

Their whole back room was filled up with tables like these, covered in bins with fat quarters. The woman watching the back room told us she had 17 people in this room right when they opened hoping to get the best cuts. I loved what I came away with, so I can't imagine what might have been there earlier in the day. I don't think the little shop gets too much business on a regular day, so having 17 people just in their back room must have been a huge rush.

Here's what I came away with:

Some Christmas prints to (finally) make stockings that won't fall apart for me and my husband. I threw out our old ones, so I guess I have to make new ones. Alex likes the red fabric better than the white, so his will be red lined with white and mine will be the opposite.

Some blues to add to my already blue-heavy stash. I couldn't help it, they were so pretty!

This is my miscellaneous stack. Some pinks, some vintage, some multi-colored ones. I wanted a little variety and some prints that I could use for backgrounds or fillers. I really like the one that is second from the right - white with little yellow/orange flowers. I'm pretty sure I had a pillow case in a fabric just like this when I was little.

And my stack of teal and coral! I started seeing all of these in the shop and my mind was made up that I had to make a quilt out of these colors. I'm not sure if I'll use the floral prints, but I'm thinking teal, coral and white in some type of pattern. Now I've just got to sift through my stack of quilt designs and see if there's one I want to use or if I should design something new. I'm sure this will be much farther on down the road since I have plenty of other things to keep me busy (my Over the Rainbow quilt is currently pinned and awaiting quilting)!

After we were done at the fabric store we were all going out to celebrate my brother's 25th birthday. Time got away from us a little bit at the store and my brother called us just as we were leaving, wondering where we were. We were supposed to pick him up to take him to the restaurant. We had to push back our reservation by 15 minutes (not so bad!), but all I could think about on our way back was this picture I had seen online earlier that day:

Thank you, Boromir! I couldn't have said it any better. :) 


  1. What a great little shop. Wish I had one of those near me.
    I love that you had to bump your dinner reservations in favour of buying fabric :)


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