
Thursday, December 20, 2012

A Very Productive Snow Day

Hello everyone! I don't know about where you're at, but we had some crazy weather here in Wisconsin today. I live in Madison and we got about 18 inches of snow today! That's right... eighteen inches!! They even shut down the university - and this is finals week. That just doesn't happen.

This picture is from the morning snow. By the end of the night it reached the top of the arm of the chair! And to think - we didn't have any snow accumulation on our little balcony before today! We're definitely having a white Christmas this year.

So... I was gifted an extra sewing day that I hadn't planned on, and I so desperately needed it! As of last night I had 12 out of 30 strips for the gray and yellow triangle quilt put together.

Today, I finished sewing up all of the strips, ironed them all, and laid them out to see what it will look like. I had to do the layout in 2 groupings since the quilt is so big. :)

So, here's my timeline for the rest of the quilt, and I sure hope I can stick to this!

Friday night after work: sew all of the rows together into the quilt top. Possibly start basting if I'm not completely drained.

Saturday afternoon after church practice: Start/finish basting. Start quilting - I am going to do straight lines mirroring the triangles on probably every other triangle. I have no idea how long that will take with such a large quilt, but it means I won't have to move the fabric as much as when I'm doing a swirly FMQ pattern.

Sunday afternoon after our church Christmas services (and lunch with Mom): Finish quilting everything. Make the binding and sew that onto the front. Trim off excess backing/batting.

Monday afternoon (I have to work until 12pm): start hand stitching the binding onto the back of the quilt. We are celebrating at my dad's house on Monday night and the quilt will be given away on Tuesday night. So, if I need to I can finish it up on Tuesday morning.

Tuesday: Wash, dry, wrap and give it away!

Phew! This looks tiresome, but I hope I can get it done. The end is definitely in sight!!! Happy holidays and happy crafting everybody!


  1. Ooh, look at all that snow! I'm crazy jealous :)
    I like the layout, it's going to be a lovely quilt. Good luck with your timetable to finish it

  2. Your quilt is looking good! Your snowfall is beautiful.


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