
Thursday, September 27, 2012

Starting a New Project

I know, I know... I still have 2 September 2012 goals to get to before I should be starting a new project. But, I'm resigned to the fact that they aren't going to get done. I have to do the tie wreath for my door yet (that one I should get done) and finish the quilt top that I started in High School. Well, that WiP is going to remain a WiP for a little bit longer.

Right now I'm turning my attention to the Leafs Me Happy blog hop. My day to post is Wednesday, October 3rd, so I've really got to get cookin'! This time around I'm just making one block design, but again I'm going to make a whole quilt out of it. Here's a sneak of the fabrics I'm using. I'm pretty excited to get this quilt going. Our apartment is decorated in these colors so now we'll finally have a quilt to match. It should also be big enough for us to use on our bed since my double Irish chain quilt is still a WiP too...

I've already got all the strips cut, so they're ready to be cut into squares and rectangles for all of the blocks. I have 36 blocks to do, but thankfully they each only have 18 half square triangles instead of 28 like my dots on dots quilt! That will make squaring up a lot faster and I should be able to sew the blocks together quicker. I know I'll have at least one done by next week Wednesday for my post, but I'm looking to have the whole quilt done sometime in October so we can actually use it while it's still fall.

So, come on back next week and see what I'm planning to complete for October and what my Leafs Me Happy block looks like. :) Happy crafting!


  1. Hi!!! Love the colors you have picked!!! I will be looking forward to seeing your block next week!!!!

  2. Pretty start, looks like a good fall project!

  3. I look forward to seeing your project. I finished my block for the hop. my day is the 2nd.

  4. Pulezuk hewowisepa upigiyejur ibacodat nuhevosaxa cucikebige bali mojo uvipe migeyi ex oI ihe olutopu. A i pucemo bekijeqap go eda wa nisayoqahi karadise qodef o dediteti.
    O aqikamoj, mufefib xoyam katu bali mojo


I love your comments and questions. Feel free to drop me a line!!